Time.  That oh so precious resource 

“I wish I could exercise, but I just don’t have the time.”

“I miss my friends/family but don’t have time to see them.”

“I need to eat healthier but don’t have time to cook.”

“I would love to take up photography but I don’t know where I’d fit that in.”

 And on and on we go.

Time is the only thing in the entire universe that nobody, regardless of wealth, skill, ability, or luck can create more of or manipulate. You can’t buy, steal, or borrow more of it if you don’t have enough. We are theoretically all on equal footing with 24 hours in a day, yet many people complain about not having enough time to be able to really do what they want while others find ways of making it work on their side.

But is it true that we can’t “create” more time?

How is it that there are some people who seem like they’ve managed to figure it all out as they magically balance work, families, hobbies, exercise, AND a social life while you struggle to maintain a schedule that leaves any breathing room?

It CAN be done.

People who are successful in having more of what they want in their lives find creative ways of making it work, and you may need to change some habits and your mindset about certain things to get it done.